| Despre biciclete | |
+34Cipri Andrei Neculai alex.barac.5 lapsanszkitamas LanceR deconectat mielutu zburator tcm Katalyn AlexD dan tm cristy79 IonutChircu Caspar JohannDB DUAL Cont.dezactivat c o r v i n Adrian78 Adirmvl Nesebar kristi kkk NicuS ANDU2100HP TVlad Teodor cristi CFR Andrey_tm cstefan Bobby_TM Traveller frank81 George cortexedge Dr2005 38 participanți | |
Autor | Mesaj |
Numarul mesajelor : 7376 Varsta : 34 Localizare : Rugby, UK. Reputatie : 11172 Data de inscriere : 09/10/2014
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Vin 24 Oct 2014, 00:10 | |
| "N-a fost nimic amar in aceasta seara aici, a fost numai dulce. De la Dumnezeu mai mult de la noi mai putin" A venit toamna la Iedera de Sus, judetul DB. image upload no compression photo hosting photo uploading image hosting 20mb image ru Ca deobicei fara kit anti-pana la mine, merg la noroc de ani de zile ca n-am omorat pe nimeni, n-am pacate sa fac pana in afara orasului. Am facut pana de cand ma stiu numai pe roata spate si numai in oras. |
| | | Andrey_tm Moderator si Regizorul anului
Numarul mesajelor : 5864 Reputatie : 11634 Data de inscriere : 08/09/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Joi 11 Dec 2014, 13:43 | |
| Voi ce far folositi noaptea? |
| | | tcm
Numarul mesajelor : 623 Varsta : 29 Localizare : Oradea ; Leeds (UK) Reputatie : 4440 Data de inscriere : 27/06/2014
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 16 Feb 2015, 02:10 | |
| "Calul" meu. @andrey_tm eu folosesc far si stop Crivit (luate din Lidl), cu baterii. Am si eu 3 intrebari pentru cei care folosesc frane cu saboti: ce marca de saboti folositi , de unde ii luati si cat de des ii schimbati? |
| | | Andrey_tm Moderator si Regizorul anului
Numarul mesajelor : 5864 Reputatie : 11634 Data de inscriere : 08/09/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 16 Feb 2015, 13:57 | |
| Eu mi-am cumparat saboti din Selgros (nu mai stiu cat au costat, dar au fost scumpi) si m-au tinut 3500 de km. Eu nu pastrez sabotii un anumit numar de kilometri. Ii verific regulat si cand vad ca sunt uzati, iar frana nu mai este eficienta, ii schimb.
Unii mi-au recomandat sa imi schimb sabotii de frana la fiecare 500 de km. Nu se merita. Daca frana este eficienta si saboti nu sunt tociti de ce sa ii schim asa de repede? La fel si cu lantul. |
| | | Dr2005 Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 20591 Varsta : 35 Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei Reputatie : 25510 Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 16 Feb 2015, 14:30 | |
| Trebuie verificaţi periodic, să nu ajungă să zgârie janta. Eu am folosit nişte saboţi luaţi de la KeroBike (aceştia), de unde mi-am luat şi bicicleta. Rezistau cam 2000 - 2500 km, în funcţie de condiţii (iarna se consumau pe la vreo 1500; evident, pe spate se toceau mai repede). Problema e că nu prea i-am mai găsit, aşa că am încercat tot felul de înlocuitori de la tot felul de magazine. Din Decathlon am luat nişte saboţi cu 20 lei setul, pe spate au ţinut undeva la 1000 km, pe faţă se apropie de 1500. Apoi, nemaigăsindu-i nici pe ăia (se pare că iarna nu prea se găsesc consumabile velo...), am luat nişte saboţi de 5 lei din Cora finuţi, uşurei, dintr-un fel de cauciuc moale, în 300 km s-au tocit până la armătură şi mi-au zgâriat janta. I-am înlocuit tot cu din ăia (luasem 2 seturi) şi acum dau din colţ în colţ că şi cei de pe faţă sunt aproape de limită (Decathlon, cca. 1500 km), iar cei din spate sigur se duc în vreo 4 - 500 km (cum a început vremea de ture, asta poate să însemne şi mai puţin de 2 săptămâni). Apropo de saboţi, mai demult, pe bicla veche, am avut 2 seturi de saboţi luaţi de la Decathlon, la ofertă, 9 lei în loc de 36 lei (erau ultimele 2 seturi, le-am luat pe ambele), în două culori (negri, cu suprafaţa de frecare roşie). Deosebiţi, au făcut vreo 1000 km pe bicla veche, iar când mi s-au tocit primii saboţi la cea nouă, un set l-am transplantat acolo şi am mai tras vreo 1000 şi ceva de km de ei. Dar nu am mai găsit. _________________ :TTT:
| | | tcm
Numarul mesajelor : 623 Varsta : 29 Localizare : Oradea ; Leeds (UK) Reputatie : 4440 Data de inscriere : 27/06/2014
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 16 Feb 2015, 23:30 | |
| Eu fac , in medie 10km pe zi => pe saptamana cel putin 50km. In octombrie 2014 am luat dintr-un magazin de biciclete din oras cei mai scupi saboti (70 lei setul doar pentru spate) pentru ca cei vechi aveau 5 ani doar la mine si erau aproape la metal. Sabotii noi , pe spate m-au tinut mai putin de 2 luni si nici nu a fost prea multa zapada, ajungand la metal.In decembrie am luat din alt magazin de bite ceva saboti cu 10 lei setul si au tinut bine pana cand a venit zapada. Nu sunt foarte rosi, dar frana de pe spate trebuie reglata. Legat de lant , l-am schimbat o singura data cand am schimbat tot angrenajul (pinion , angrenaj fata , care erau foarte uzate). |
| | | Dr2005 Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 20591 Varsta : 35 Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei Reputatie : 25510 Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Mar 17 Feb 2015, 00:33 | |
| Frâna trebuie reglată periodic, pentru că saboţii se tocesc în timp. Am schimbat şi eu o casetă de pinioane şi un lanţ la vreo 5000 km. Acum au mai trecut încă 5000, ar cam trebui să schimb măcar lanţul, pentru că pinioanele le-am folosit mai bine şi nu s-a mai făcut un pinion cu ţepe. Iarna asta a fost destul de chinuită, chiar dacă nu a parcurs distanţe foarte mari: _________________ :TTT:
| | | Andrey_tm Moderator si Regizorul anului
Numarul mesajelor : 5864 Reputatie : 11634 Data de inscriere : 08/09/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Mier 18 Feb 2015, 14:50 | |
| Sabotii care m-au tinut cel mai mult au fost cei din Selgros (~3500 de km), iar cei care m-au tinut cel mai putin au fost unii din Real (~200 de km).
In legatura cu lantul, ca sa tia cat mai mult trebuie uns si curatat dupa fiecare tura. |
| | | Caspar
Numarul mesajelor : 238 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Hoorn, Olanda Reputatie : 4991 Data de inscriere : 04/12/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 04 Mai 2015, 18:54 | |
| In Alkmaar, Olanda, there is a display above a bicyclelane. You can see the number of bicycles passed bye of this day, and the total number of bicycles of the year 2015 until now. The number of 600 is very low (especially when you compare it with the 1,4 million untill now) but thats because it's a publick holliday week at this moment here. Schools are closed. An extra note, this number shows only the bycicles in this direction. The other direction was 975. The difference can be explained as this is the side ''outside the town/outbound'' and most people are passing in this direction when they go to their homes at the end of the day. (this was at 14.30h).
Ultima editare efectuata de catre Caspar in Lun 04 Mai 2015, 19:19, editata de 1 ori |
| | | Caspar
Numarul mesajelor : 238 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Hoorn, Olanda Reputatie : 4991 Data de inscriere : 04/12/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 04 Mai 2015, 19:18 | |
| Last week I was in Brussels and I've tried the Villo system. Like many cities in France (and other countries?) Brussels has a system were you can pick up bicycles for a ride and leave them at (the near of) your destination inside the city. It's quite cheap, when you know the system. For me as a tourist, I bought a daycard for 1,60€. When you return the bike at a bicycle station whithin 30 minutes, your ride is free (exept the 1,60€ daily fee). There are lots of bicycle stations in the city, but for me it was sometimes hard to find one, because I''m not used to the system and I've been only once before in Brussels. Also traffic in Brussels is a challenge for bicycles. It's a bit compareable to Bucharest; large boulevards with too much cars on it to drive relax on your bike. Especially large intersections are not so nice to cross, when cars are coming from all the directions at the same time. The Villo bike. It has 7 gears, but the bike has quite a heavy weight. (two times my mountainbike) I drove to the Zooniënwoud at the southside of Brussels with it, a large green hilly forest. Station Groenendaal. This station must have known better times. Belgium has a lot of stations like this, completely downgraded troughout the years... The two cards when I returned my bike. The left one: the cycling route in the forest. What I didn't know is that: ''The longer you cycle, the more you pay per half hour'' The first half hour is free, but this is quite a huge bill. So it's better to change your bike everytime for a new one when you pass a bicycle station. On the second card you can see that is was extremely lucky, 29 min and 58 seconds when I returned my bike. I had some problems on the first of mai. I decided to return the bike at Brussels Central station and take the train there, but first I couldn't find the bicycle station there, and after 10 minutes searching, I saw the station was already full. So I took a sprint to Brussel-Zuid/Midi station and saw that the bicycle station there was also full... But just in time I saw a second place around the station were I could return it. But my train was already gone... |
| | | mielutu zburator
Numarul mesajelor : 3172 Varsta : 29 Reputatie : 6965 Data de inscriere : 07/09/2014
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 04 Mai 2015, 21:01 | |
| That's pretty awesome, I guess. If we designed a system like this for the Campina - Brasov area, it'd surely be successful. Nowadays, it's very difficult for a foreigner without a car to come cycling in Romania, but also for a native taking the bike by train can, at times, pose a problem. |
| | | TVlad V.I.P Member
Numarul mesajelor : 2818 Localizare : Bucuresti Reputatie : 8392 Data de inscriere : 16/01/2010
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 04 Mai 2015, 21:09 | |
| Beautiful building, Station Groenendaal. It might be a methaphore for our beloved Europe: once a civilized continent, now getting old and tired, eaten away by barbarians she welcomed. See for yourselved their contribution... In our case, Romania, the station would be long demolished or stolen brick by brick by even more barbaric "citizens" than the ones that made the grafitti in Brussels. But, you know what, there is still an advantage living in Romania: you can still (pretty much) say whatever you want. Those marxist "politicall correct" and so called "progresists" are still in small numbers; but their ranks are growing. |
| | | Caspar
Numarul mesajelor : 238 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Hoorn, Olanda Reputatie : 4991 Data de inscriere : 04/12/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 04 Mai 2015, 21:41 | |
| - mielutu zburator a scris:
- That's pretty awesome, I guess. If we designed a system like this for the Campina - Brasov area, it'd surely be successful. Nowadays, it's very difficult for a foreigner without a car to come cycling in Romania, but also for a native taking the bike by train can, at times, pose a problem.
For a regio like Brasov- Campina, you could beter set up a system on the trainstations where you could rent a mountainbike for a day for some LEI. A system like Brussels where you could cycle for free when you return your bike within 30 minutes is not very attractive in a rural area. Cities like Bucharest, Cluj Napoca, Iași, Brașov or Timișoara are more suitable for this. I forgot to say that the there is a refund of 150€ per bike. That could also be problem for many people. |
| | | Dr2005 Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 20591 Varsta : 35 Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei Reputatie : 25510 Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Mar 05 Mai 2015, 13:36 | |
| In Romania, renting a MTB bike costs about 100 lei (25 euro) per day. With 1500 - 2000 lei you can buy one for yourself. The maximum surcharge for Bucureşti - Câmpina - if you don't manage to get a 5 or 10 lei bike ticket - is something about 30 lei, so it's still less than renting a bike. _________________ :TTT:
| | | Caspar
Numarul mesajelor : 238 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Hoorn, Olanda Reputatie : 4991 Data de inscriere : 04/12/2011
| Subiect: Re: Despre biciclete Lun 18 Mai 2015, 14:02 | |
| http://www.ecf.com/ecf-cycling-barometer/
Some interesting points, Netherlands is the country where bicycles are most often used on a daily base, Romania is mid-scale. But cycling in Romania seems to be dangerous (number of fatalities is high) and there is not much bicycle tourism in Romania. Making your country ranking 28th, the lowest in EU. I hope the bicycle tourism will increase in Romania, because the scenery is attractive enough to go on a bicycle trip in my opinion. But the infrastructure has to improve; more places where you can rent or repair a bike, bicycle lanes in big cities and special route signs and maps for bikes for instance. And of course, Romania can send some marketeers to West European tourist-fairs to promote (bicycle)tourism in Romania here. Because your country is relative unknown here. |
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