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 Despre biciclete

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Cipri Andrei Neculai
mielutu zburator
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kristi kkk
cristi CFR
38 participanți
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Numarul mesajelor : 3087
Reputatie : 9339
Data de inscriere : 20/08/2008

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai 2015, 15:23

Whoever wants to go out biking in Romania, will go out biking, even without markers and cycling lanes. Smile

Sus In jos
V.I.P Member
V.I.P Member

Numarul mesajelor : 2818
Localizare : Bucuresti
Reputatie : 8392
Data de inscriere : 16/01/2010

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai 2015, 16:41

In Romania we still have to get rid of the old inferiority complexes build-up during communist times. Back then only a handfull of people could afford cars because they were very expensive (about 1/2 of the cost of a new flat) and - anyway - you could'n have them  because you had to wait a few years until they were delivered. So, the ones that actually had a car were few and regarded with respect and envy (they were usualy rich or had Communist Party connections - or both). The others rode bicycles or took the bus or train. Nowadays, even if a car is nowhere near as expensive as then and everybody has one, their owners expect to be regarded as in the old days and are very proud with their cars.

If you don't have a car or you preffer to take the train or bicycle, they think you are poor and - therefore - you don't deserve any respect. We have some examples even in this forum.

However things are begining to change in Romania. There are more and more people riding bicycles but most of them do it because it's "cool and trendy". They are no better that the automobilists I was talking about above as they act miserable to pedestrians.

I think the change of generations will eventualy bring back "peace" and everybody will understand that it doesn't matter what you are driving, it's just a personal preference that has nothing to do with wealth, intelligence, p_ is size or anything.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 238
Varsta : 42
Localizare : Hoorn, Olanda
Reputatie : 4991
Data de inscriere : 04/12/2011

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai 2015, 19:19

I can understand your story, but even the most car-loving Romanians will do business with bicycle tourists, if they see what they can earn with it. In some places in Netherlands almost the whole economy depends on bikes in the summer because most visitors are bicycles. There are even two islands where you can only enter them as a pedestrian or with your bike: Vlieland and Schiermonnikoog

I can also understand Cortexedge; for me yes, I will also try ciclyng without special lanes and other improvements, but the mass tourism won't... And when you will attract them (more) then now in Romania, I think it's necessary to improve those things. Example: what can I do when I've got a flat tire in a small litte town somewhere in Romania? Here, a bike shop is almost always nearby, in my hometown with 70.000 inhabitants there are between 10 and 15. You can go and let them repair your bike when you are whatching in most cases when you have a problem.

In a big city, a bike is also the most efficient transport mode. The busses and trams in Amsterdam are not going much faster than bikes in general. Also cars are particular slow in big cities. 20 km/h on average from door to door whith a car is a normal speed i guess.

I maybee will invite some of you to visit me/Netherlands (sleeping at my place) and see how things are going here when you like...
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 20591
Varsta : 35
Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei
Reputatie : 25510
Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai 2015, 20:08

Caspar a scris:
even the most car-loving Romanians will do business with bicycle tourists, if they see what they can earn with it.
Unfortunatelly, this is not the case here. Last year, in Sibiu, at a small hotel I was told ,,This is a hotel, not a bike garrage, you can leave your bike in front of the building, on the light pole" ... because all the city was booked, I eventually found a relative of another relative of my aunt and I took the bike at his place (but I couldn't use it 3 days, and last night I couldn't sleep, because I had to guard the bike, so I can leave at 5 am). Ussually, a bicycle rider is seen as a poor man or as one too poor or incapable of buying a car. Or as a hipster. And most hotel owners don't want poor people or hipsters. There are even local authorities against bicycles. In the 3rd sector of Bucharest, you are not allowed to park a bike on public domain... all bikes pinned to light poles, fences etc. are taken by the local police. Also, the stores were forced to remove bike racks, even if they were paying taxes for them.

Caspar a scris:
what can I do when I've got a flat tire in a small litte town somewhere in Romania?
You stop, then you put your backpack/bag down, you get that extra-inner tube you always carry with you or the pathces and fix the tire. Then you get your manual pump that you always have with you and usi it. But if you have complicated problems, like broken chain and you don't have a chain press or extra-chain...

Caspar a scris:
Here, a bike shop is almost always nearby, in my hometown with 70.000 inhabitants there are between 10 and 15. You can go and let them repair your bike when you are whatching in most cases when you have a problem.
I don't think we have more than 15 bike shops in all Bucharest (at aprox. 2 million inhabitans). The closest bike shop from my home is at about 5 km... that's about 15 minutes of cycling, but without bike it takes me about 25 minutes. Of course, you can ask to borrow a pump or a 15" key to unmount your wheel, but ussually they would do this for you... of course, not for free (ussually about 5 lei for a tube change, but some will mount it for free if you buy it from them). But for "complicated" operations (i.e. replacing brake or shifter wires, replacing sprokets, chains, fork) you might have to wait a few days.
To the countryside... the best you can find are the so-called ,,meşteri", men that can fix anything, anywhere, but not necessary good. Also, you won't find expensive parts, only chinese-made, no-name bike tubes & tires for the most used dimensions: 26 x 1,95 (regular MTB tire) and 700 x 35c or 42c (old road bike tire and old "Tohan" "semi-road bike", still in large numbers on the streets, even if the last one was built about 25 years ago). But when you can buy a bike tube with 3 RON instead of 15, you can buy 3 or 4, to have a back-up for the rest of your tour Smile)

Caspar a scris:
In a big city, a bike is also the most efficient transport mode. The busses and trams in Amsterdam are not going much faster than bikes in general. Also cars are particular slow in big cities. 20 km/h on average from door to door whith a car is a normal speed i guess.
In Bucharest, the public transport is always slow, because there are no dedicated lanes (and where they are, they are not respected or used as car parking). Using a bike can get you faster anywhere (even faster than the subway... because you don't have to wait 10 min. for your bike), maybe only Sunday morning the mass transit is faster (baut the waiting times are huge... so you can still go faster on bicycle).

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 3087
Reputatie : 9339
Data de inscriere : 20/08/2008

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Mai 2015, 20:44

Netherlands is number 1 in the world when it comes to bicycles... so asking Romania to become like that, is nearly impossible in the short run, sadly. For a flat tire, you can carry a spare inner tube with a few wrenches in your backpack. I got my bike 3 years ago and made about 9000km and I never had a flat or any other kind of problems Very Happy. 9000km isn't that much, but it's still something without a failure. Smile
I'm not a huge cyclist, but I love getting out in the wild with my bike. I also like to cycle through the city, even though there are almost no cycle lanes in this town.

You're right, we need a lot of things for unprepared cyclists to come here and pay money to see this and that, but at the moment, our leaders are thinking at how to steal more wood from the forests and sell it to the austrians and all kinds of stuff that the country really doesn't need.

Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 584
Reputatie : 4097
Data de inscriere : 27/05/2015

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeVin 19 Iun 2015, 21:13

Ce parere aveti despre asta?
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 813
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Bucuresti
Reputatie : 6199
Data de inscriere : 05/05/2010

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 14:07

Am facut weekendul ce tocmai a trecut o tura in Muntii Baiului, de la Azuga la Comarnic via Secaria.
In fine, detalii despre tura gasiti pe net, sau ma puteti intreba daca vreti sa stiti ceva anume.
Ce vroiam eu sa mentionez, o tampenie marca CFR: am plecat de vineri la Breaza cu R3001 , avea vagon cu spatiu de bicicleta si parca 3 vagoane in total. Eram singurul cu bicicleta, si trenul destul de gol, mare parte navetisti.

Sambata insa cand am mers de la Breaza la Azuga cu acelasi tren, surpriza! Vagonul cu spatiu de bicicleta disparuse iar in tren erau minim 20 de biciclisti (cel putin atatia am vazut eu coborand in Azuga) fiecare stand claie peste gramada la usi, inghesuiti cu alti calatori, trenul fiind aglomerat.

Oare chiar asa de jale e la CFR-ul asta incat nu sunt in stare sa mai puna un vagon sambata cand se stie ca e aglomeratie? Sau daca nu se rezolva cu unul, sa puna doua?

Si chiar asa de retardati sunt cei care fac compunerile ca scot vagonul de biciclete tocmai sambata, in schimb il lasa vinerea? Vineri am intrebat nasul daca trenul are in fiecare zi aceeasi compunere si mi-a explicat el ceva ca nu stiu unde se duc vagoanele alea si compunerea se schimba la 2-3 zile sau ceva de genul asta. Niste dobitoci, nu degeaba e in faliment, cu asa management prost si lipsa de interes fata de client o firma privata ar fi murit de mult.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 20591
Varsta : 35
Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei
Reputatie : 25510
Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 14:38

L-o fi închiriat cineva... dar şi închirierile astea nu sunt pentru toată lumea. Dacă ceri vagonul frumos, cu cerere, te refuză, eventual urât. Dacă urli că aduci Antena 3 şi Realitatea şi că pui bicicletele pe linii şi nu laşi trenul să plece, imediat îţi dă vagon/automotor suplimentar, chiar dacă mergi într-un singur sens şi automotorul trebuie să se întoarcă gol.

Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 7376
Varsta : 34
Localizare : Rugby, UK.
Reputatie : 11172
Data de inscriere : 09/10/2014

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 15:14

@IonutChircu toate trenurile Regio de pe Buc-Brasov si retur cu exceptia lui 3024, 3003 si 3012 sunt cu vagoane etajate 84-16, 26-16 si 36-16. De cand a inceput vara trenurile cu etajate au minim 3 maxim 4. 3002 Brasov-Buc.Nord se compune din garniturile lui 3003 si 3009.

La R 3001 sunt 2 garnituri iar turnusul este urmatorul :

Garnitura 1 : Azi R 3001, R 3008, R 5023 maine R 3023 si R 3010.
Garnitura 2 : Azi R 3023, R 3010 si maine R 3001 si R 3008.

E posibil ca pe una din garnituri sa fi disparut vagonul etajat 84-16 cu spati de biciclete desi cele 3 etajate 84-16 circula doar pe ruta asta, cate unul pe cele 2 garnituri de mai sus si al 3-lea pe perechea 3005/3004.

Treaba cu biciclisti si cu aglomeratia de la R 3001 din week-end nu e de azi de maine dar asa e CFR-ul nepasator cu calatori, postam anul trecut pe forum cate biciclete vedeam in week-end in trenurile care veneau seara de la munte incepand cu IR 1636 ( azi R 3006 ) si pana la ultimul tren IR-ul de la Cluj spre Bucuresti care azi are numarul 1538 daca o sa gasesc acel mesaj veti vedea cum numai la R 3008 ( azi R 3010 ) intr-o zi de duminica am prins peste 30 de biciclete imprastiate prin tot trenul, lumea chiar iese la munte cu bicicleta si doar putini o fac cu trenul 3001, restul se duc cu IR si cei mai bogati urca bicicletele pe suport si o ia pe DN1 cu masina.

Ca sa nu mai zic ca daca s-ar vrea s-ar putea face pentru R 3001 la dus iar la intoarcere pentru 3012 unul din etajate expirate de la Basarab doar pentru biciclisti, amenajata tot parterul doar cu spati pentru biciclete si strapontine dar la noi si in special la CFR cel mai bine e sa-l iei pe NU in brate.

@Dr_2005 e buna si metoda asta daca la CFR nu se poate gasi cineva capabil care sa gandeasca cu capul si nu cu picioarele, de multe ori da rezultat si varianta asta cu "protestele" desi eu m-as urca maine cu 20 de biciclisti in tren toti cu roata de pe fata scoasa ca sa vada cum e sa piarda niste bani pentru o proasta organizare si nepasare.

Chiar statisticile alea ale lor nu arata niciodata ca la 3001 in week-end de ani de zile se vand cele mai multe bilete de bicicleta din tara ? Ca sa ia o masura benefica atat pentru calatori cat si pentru biciclisti plus o suma mica de bani care intra in contul CFR de pe urma biletelor de bicicleta.

Asta e CFR-ul nostru cel mai mare si mai legal hot la buzunarul calatorului.
Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 813
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Bucuresti
Reputatie : 6199
Data de inscriere : 05/05/2010

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 15:47

Dr2005 a scris:
L-o fi închiriat cineva... dar şi închirierile astea nu sunt pentru toată lumea. Dacă ceri vagonul frumos, cu cerere, te refuză, eventual urât. Dacă urli că aduci Antena 3 şi Realitatea şi că pui bicicletele pe linii şi nu laşi trenul să plece, imediat îţi dă vagon/automotor suplimentar, chiar dacă mergi într-un singur sens şi automotorul trebuie să se întoarcă gol.

Nu stiu, mi-a spus nasul ca se schimba garnitura cu totul la un anumit interval, nu am inteles exact ce si cum, era prea dimineata. Mi-a zis ca respectiva garnitura merge nu stiu unde....Sambata cand m-am suit in tren din Comarnic pana in Breaza in R3010 (eram rupt si nu mai rezistam sa pedalez Very Happy ) am prins fix acelasi vagon cu care am mers vineri dimineata din Buc N in Breaza.

@kerpeten ali exact cum spui, s-ar putea face un vagon exclusiv pentru biciclisti, nu cred ca ar insemna cine stie ce investitie. Si ar fi cu siguranta cea mai civilizata metoda. Macar pentru ruta asta Bucuresti - Brasov. Il si colorezi mai vesel, sa se vada care e sa nu alergi pe peron cu bicla dupa tine si gata. Un exemplu de vagon de biciclete

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Altfel o sa ajungem sa merge ca indienii Laughing

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Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 7376
Varsta : 34
Localizare : Rugby, UK.
Reputatie : 11172
Data de inscriere : 09/10/2014

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 16:01

Ai zis bine ca ai mers vineri cu R 3001 si sambata cu R 3010 exact turnusul prezentat de mine in mesajul anterior, ai mers cu garnitura nr 1.

Vineri : R 3001 Buc.Nord-Brasov, R 3008 Brasov-Buc.Nord, R 5023 Buc.Nord-PL.Sud.
Sambata : R 3023 PL.Sud-Brasov, R 3010 Brasov-Buc.Nord.
Duminica : Idem Vineri.
Luni : Idem Sambata.

Dar de asta ce zici ca se vede de la o posta diferenta intre etajatele albastre si vagonul etajat penbtru biciclisti ?

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adult image
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 20591
Varsta : 35
Localizare : Bucureşti, Drumul Taberei
Reputatie : 25510
Data de inscriere : 17/08/2011

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 16:22

Mi s-a întâmplat să mă mai întrebe lumea ce şi când am schimbat pe la bicicletă:
- cauciuc spate: aprox. 5600 km, nu am trecut pe tabel, dar a fost cu câteva săptămâni înaintea celui de faţă
- cauciuc faţă: 6124,4 km
- pinioane şi lanţ: 5251 km şi 12.271 km
- angrenaj pedalier: 12.271 km
- rotiţe schimbător spate: 12.271 km
- cablu şi cămaşă schimbător spate: 12.271 km
- cablu frână spate: 12.386 km
- schimbat ax faţă + conuri şi bile: aprox. 8800 km, nu am notat
- schimbat saboţi de frână: nu am notat toate schimbările, în general rezistă cam 2000 - 2500 km cei de pe faţă şi 1500 - 2000 km cei de pe spate (dar am avut unii care nu au ţinut nici 300 km)
- schimbat furcă: încă nu, dar trebuie cât mai repede

Bicla are 12.527,11 km în prezent.

Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 813
Varsta : 43
Localizare : Bucuresti
Reputatie : 6199
Data de inscriere : 05/05/2010

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 16:42

kerpeten ali a scris:

Dar de asta ce zici ca se vede de la o posta diferenta intre etajatele albastre si vagonul etajat penbtru biciclisti ?

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Eu nu am vazut in viata mea vagonul ala ...  Smile Din cate vad pe poza scrie 1 mai 2007, adica acum vreo 8 ani. Dar intr-adevar la asa ceva ma refeream, ceva care sa sara in ochi oricui.
Sus In jos

Numarul mesajelor : 16278
Localizare : Бухарест
Reputatie : 22372
Data de inscriere : 06/12/2009

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 16:56

Nici nu a existat acest vagon cu aceasta schema, e doar o modificare de un pasionat cum ar vrea el sa arate dar e vorba de dorinta lui si atat, CFR nu are in gand asa ceva. Very Happy

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Sus In jos


Numarul mesajelor : 7376
Varsta : 34
Localizare : Rugby, UK.
Reputatie : 11172
Data de inscriere : 09/10/2014

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MesajSubiect: Re: Despre biciclete   Despre biciclete - Pagina 18 Icon_minitimeLun 13 Iul 2015, 17:46

Exact dar am uitat sa mentionez asta. E poza lui Dr_2005 pe care am rugat un pasionat pe FB sa imi bage ceva cu biciclete cum ar trebui sa arate la exterion un vagon de biciclete la CFR.
Sus In jos
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Sus In jos
Despre biciclete
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