+111David Marius rizelgeorgel2004 ionutz85 mihaiuc Razvan Tudor Nk11 Karl MelecaCristian @ndrey biokosmy alexandruh Vitosa decward frank81 Saruman vanchorusebulgaria puscasu sorinucu razwy Norbi iuli.hard Cobra valibu djdanny 63-1143-5 1nt3rp0l_106 cata rowanberry Adrian78 popandrei10 alinx3330 Boracik diana04 RazvanCFR AlexCta bogdan srl dany90 zenox4500 clauadrian24 saint marian_topy halmarius ionut_te Razvan Marius Iulian cont dezactivat . stoica gheorghe kaan baciulik didinul marcelbanu pannonia express LocoMania The Legend Andrei raoul ludwig87 alexg stakee Mihay VeV FeroFan97 iuliana cont inactiv Vlad12 ion1982 060-EA078 Lde 2100 Caravelle_Zg IonutChircu jionutz Axwell21 Costin.H myster2008 alex.alexus.tm ionutz72 Traveller g.popovici srazvi AMX 97-0548-4 PrisecaruFlorin stinky George2210 dan ciprian cristi CFR vrabieionut stegaru 43.309 Nesebar mureseanu_976 marius_catalin84 membru inactiv lovekomotive tacc400 IonutCFR2009 Amiralul pisti91 KQQ mtk mardaryroby Codrut1985 Vlad Ionutz kristi kkk MariusM DonVILLy cortexedge cristi ar mariuskl tudor_vl COSTACHE MIHAIL 115 participanți |
Autor | Mesaj |
Numarul mesajelor : 614 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Sat Calacea judetul Timis Reputatie : 5994 Data de inscriere : 28/04/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 12:59 | |
| imi cer scuze fata de tine iuli dar amandoi am postat in acelasi timp sper ca nu team suparat numa bine |
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Adrian78 Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 18755 Localizare : Hunedoara Reputatie : 24333 Data de inscriere : 05/10/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 13:02 | |
| - jionutz a scris:
- am si eu cateva intrebari
1. mai exista vagoane bussines pe trenurile din romania? 2. vagoane 19-87 este in compunerea vreunui tren? 3. la fel si seria 19/20-76 mai exista la vreun tren? 4. la vagoanele de dormit mai circula si vagoane albastre vechi? 5. nessebar mai circula anul asta la vara? ( daca are cineva mersul lui va rog sa il postati) multumesc pt ajutor 19-20-76 circula pe 1824 si mai nou un vagon pe A1831 Nessbar 1470-1 Varna-Ruse-Lokoshaza Budapesta Circula in zilele de 7 in perioada 26-06- 11-09-2011 1471-2 Budapesta Lokoshaza- Ruse Circula in zilele de 5-6 in perioada 24/25-06 - 09/10-10-2011 |
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Nesebar Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 16278 Localizare : Бухарест Reputatie : 22395 Data de inscriere : 06/12/2009
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 13:04 | |
| - iuli.hard a scris:
- Are cineva idee ce vagoane are in compunere trenul accelerat 1654 Vatra Dornei-Bucuresti Nord , si la ce linie intra in Buc N ?
1654 are vagoane 21-80 si 19-80 , la ce linie soseste in Gara de Nord nu stiu dar asta e compunerea lui cu mentiunea ca numai 5 vag vin din Vatra Dornei restul se ataseaza in Suceava , in grupa de Vatra este si cuseta + dormitor . |
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Nesebar Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 16278 Localizare : Бухарест Reputatie : 22395 Data de inscriere : 06/12/2009
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 13:09 | |
| 20-76 gasesti si pe rapidul 360 in grupa Bucuresti-Timisoara in numar de 3 bucati , pe 1823 / 1824 se afla doar in weekend cand vagoanele se suplimenteaza compunerea originala acestor acc este cu 22-96 . tot 20-76 se gasesc pe acc 1643 Buc-Sighet + grupa de Vatra Dornei si Brasov |
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Numarul mesajelor : 614 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Sat Calacea judetul Timis Reputatie : 5994 Data de inscriere : 28/04/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 13:12 | |
| multumesc prieteni eu vreau sa merg la vara cu acel tren nesebar pe Craiova - Arad stiti cumva ce compunere are? ce vagoane are? multumesc |
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cont dezactivat .
Numarul mesajelor : 3034 Reputatie : 8388 Data de inscriere : 03/09/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 14:23 | |
| din cate am vazut prin TRIAJ are vagoane numai cehe 3 de dormit si 2 clasa |
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Adrian78 Administrator
Numarul mesajelor : 18755 Localizare : Hunedoara Reputatie : 24333 Data de inscriere : 05/10/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 14:24 | |
| - jionutz a scris:
- multumesc prieteni
eu vreau sa merg la vara cu acel tren nesebar pe Craiova - Arad stiti cumva ce compunere are? ce vagoane are? multumesc Anul trecut avea 3 de dormit slovace si 3 dormitoare cehe Pe teritoriul Romaniei nu se elibereaza bilete pentru acest tren el este tren de tranzit |
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cont dezactivat .
Numarul mesajelor : 3034 Reputatie : 8388 Data de inscriere : 03/09/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 14:30 | |
| eu am mers doar de la petrosani la simeria o singura data niciodata nu l-am vazut cu 6 vagoane doar cu 5 |
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Numarul mesajelor : 614 Varsta : 42 Localizare : Sat Calacea judetul Timis Reputatie : 5994 Data de inscriere : 28/04/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 14:52 | |
| am sa intreb inainte la informatii daca pot sa merg cu acest tren dar cred ca se poate merge cu el ma gandesc ca totusi se elibereaza bilete doar nu o sa fie toate opririle opriri tehnice |
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vanchorusebulgaria V.I.P Member
Numarul mesajelor : 324 Reputatie : 5417 Data de inscriere : 09/01/2011
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 14:59 | |
| I would like to ask you for an advise. Which route is the best to be travelled Bucuresti Pitesti or Bucuresti Ploiesti, or Titu Tirgoviste. The first is a double non electrified line, which we don' t have such in Bulgaria and its gonna be interestong to us. My question is which is the better city. I know that Ploiesti is the biggest. And last but not least. Would you like please to tell me what cars does the following trains carry, or Automobiles. I've watched some videos in You tube but I know that you are better up to such topics. And there come the trains : A 1571, A 1662, A 1794. I saw some double deck cars on the line to Ploiesti. If it's possible to post a photo with the description of each train and its cars like series, interior, type, etc.. Thank you for being such patient and ready to answer to our annoying questions. |
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Numarul mesajelor : 7990 Reputatie : 15506 Data de inscriere : 06/03/2009
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 15:55 | |
| - vanchorusebulgaria a scris:
- I would like to ask you for an advise. Which route is the best to be travelled Bucuresti Pitesti or Bucuresti Ploiesti, or Titu Tirgoviste. The first is a double non electrified line, which we don' t have such in Bulgaria and its gonna be interestong to us. My question is which is the better city. I know that Ploiesti is the biggest. And last but not least. Would you like please to tell me what cars does the following trains carry, or Automobiles. I've watched some videos in You tube but I know that you are better up to such topics. And there come the trains : A 1571, A 1662, A 1794. I saw some double deck cars on the line to Ploiesti. If it's possible to post a photo with the description of each train and its cars like series, interior, type, etc.. Thank you for being such patient and ready to answer to our annoying questions.
Both routes are beautiful. The direction Bucuresti - Titu - Targoviste trains are accelerated Desiro senior and junior with a stop in each station are personal to have this composition: :AA14: :AA19: :AA19: :AA19: :AA19: On the route Bucharest - Ploiesti senior trains are 58 frames series http://autoloco.forum777.com/f70-rame-electrice-seria-58 or trains of this kind can be :TDD: :AA16: :AA16: :AA16: :AA16: or trains junior :RER: and the route Ploiesti - Targoviste trains junior: http://autoloco.forum777.com/t262-seria-82-0200-4 |
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Saruman V.I.P Member
Numarul mesajelor : 144 Varsta : 35 Localizare : Bulgaria/Gabrovo Reputatie : 5223 Data de inscriere : 09/01/2011
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 16:13 | |
| Hi I want to ask you the same route which most worthwhile:
1. Giurgiu Nord - Bucuresti Basarab - Pitesti 2. Giurgiu Nord - Bucuresti Basarab - Titu - Tirgoviste 3. Giurgiu Nord - Bucuresti Basarab / Nord - Ploiesti
Option 1 we can choose whether to stay longer or in Bucuresti Pitesti. In option 3 and stay the same and Bucuresti Ploiesti. As John noted in vaiant 1 and 2 will see something unique for us not electrified double line, but we will go to smaller towns (not that it matters). Option 3 goes hand in a big city. Worst case will have to do with what trains will travel. Will ask you to tell us what not compile the following trains, and to apply our photos:
1. P 9023 2. A 1792/1794 3. P 9435 4. A 1886 5. A 1571 6. A 1662
The date on which we think to travel is 28 January. If there are enthusiasts like us can meet, meet and travel together.
Thanks, Nicholas! |
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mureseanu_976 Moderator
Numarul mesajelor : 2215 Localizare : I eh, no, nooo, no es possible Reputatie : 8094 Data de inscriere : 07/02/2009
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 17:08 | |
| - jionutz a scris:
eu vreau sa merg la vara cu acel tren nesebar pe Craiova - Arad stiti cumva ce compunere are? ce vagoane are? multumesc In functie de zile are si un dormitor unguresc dar si o cuseta Bcou de la polonezi. Dar din moment ce nu vad afisate zilele de circulatie e posibil sa fie permanente toate pe durata sezonului. Pe site-ul urmator apare acest tren cu peste 10 vagoane, dar veci si pururi nu il vedem asa la vara http://users.atw.hu/diesirae/menetrend/nemz_vonatok.htm (ultimul de jos) _________________ D 320 "VICENTIJE RAKIC" BEOGRAD - BUCURESTI |
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decward V.I.P Member
Numarul mesajelor : 2594 Varsta : 27 Localizare : Bükreş Reputatie : 7999 Data de inscriere : 15/08/2010
| Subiect: Re: INTREBARI SI RASPUNSURI Mier 12 Ian 2011, 17:34 | |
| - karpaty a scris:
- iuli.hard a scris:
- Are cineva idee ce vagoane are in compunere trenul accelerat 1654 Vatra Dornei-Bucuresti Nord , si la ce linie intra in Buc N ?
1654 are vagoane 21-80 si 19-80 , la ce linie soseste in Gara de Nord nu stiu dar asta e compunerea lui cu mentiunea ca numai 5 vag vin din Vatra Dornei restul se ataseaza in Suceava , in grupa de Vatra este si cuseta + dormitor . De obicei pe linia 6 sau 7 ! Rar pe linia 9 ! |
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decward V.I.P Member
Numarul mesajelor : 2594 Varsta : 27 Localizare : Bükreş Reputatie : 7999 Data de inscriere : 15/08/2010
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Continut sponsorizat
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